Pickleball with Friends FAQ.

New user

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    Startpage after downloading the app.
    Once you are logged in, you won't be seeing this screen anymore.

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    Choose an original and unique login name and pick a good password.
    Then tap "Register".

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    Welcome in the app. From now in this is your starting page, from which you can
    discover the app. Feel free to look around, but it might be wise to complete
    your app profile. Tap the 'Add email address' button in the top right.

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    Here you can change your app settings.
    At first, you can set your details for the app. Set your email address so that we
    can contact you for example when you need to reset your password.
    You can choose a nickname that will be used throughout the app.
    When you want to login on your smartwatch without adding a password, there is a switch that does this for a limited time.

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    Want to make full use of the app, go to the Shop page and upgrade your experience.

Live score

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    Allow the app to access your location while using the app.
    This ensures that the list of clubs is ordered from nearest to furthest away.

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    The registered club that is closest will be on top of the list.
    Click on the club you want to have a detailed look at.

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    Here you get a real-time updated view of all courts in your club.
    Be sure to update your app profile if you want to be able to adapt scores, or add a new club.

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    If you have an upgraded subscription in the app, you can tap on the 'Create new officials table' button to create a new Club.

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    Clicking on the court opens up the detailed court view. Here you can follow (and adapt) the score of the running match.
    When eligible, you can also change the names of the players.

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    Exiting out of the detailed court view, gives you a popup to save the details into your profile. When you confirm this, the match statistics will be saved in your app.

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    You can do all of this on the watch version of the app as well. At the moment we are working on the Android, WatchOs (Ios) and Garmin app.
    After the match is saved into your profile, this is a sample overview of match statistics available in your app.

Recurring Court

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    Recurring Court with 2 courts defined already

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    Details of a running court.
    Players expected to be there on this date. You can scroll to the next date, or the next date you are expected to play.

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    Overview of the season. This can be exported with the share button on the bottom right, so you can export it into your phone's calendar.

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    If you fill in the result after each match, the app will keep a fun ranking for each player.

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    Once the new court has been created, the system will create a schedule automatically and it will provide you with your personal playing schedule. Youcan invite others with the name/code of your court, so they can join you in the app.

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    Creating a new recurring court is done in 1 click. Add a name of your court on the main page.

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    Then fill in the details. All the rest is done automatically for you.

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    After the creation of the court, you can add other players yourself, or players can be invited by sharing the court name with them.

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    You can already set your own availability for all the dates that are in your court selection.

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    Red means "I cannot play on this date"
    Green means "It is possible to play"

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    For players that you add yourself to your Recurring Court, you can also set their availability.

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    Example of the rankings after 1 finished game.

Custom Tournament

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    Starting page where you can create or join a Custom Tournament from a friend
    On the top, you can see there is already 1 custom tournament defined.

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    Clicking on the created Custom Tournament, you can see how far it has progressed already, and what the current draw looks like.
    You can save the results of matches here so that the tournament can progress.


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    Calendar page showing the overview of your planned matches. (More to come)
    Tapping on the plus in the bottom right, will put your status for the selected day to "Not available to play".

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    Contact us. Found a problem or have a suggestion for the development team.
    Reach out to us. We love to hear from you!

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    Possible tiers for the app.
    For a very small subscription fee, you get full access to the app, as well as the SmartWatch apps that work with it.

© Siemen Consulting